Type of Post - Catagories

One of the following categories must be chosen, must be COMPLETELY CAPITALIZED and followed by a colon. A BRIEF description must follow the colon, all on the Subject line. A detailed description must be typed in the text portion of the message.

If you wish to post about an EVENT, your subject line should look EXACTLY like this example: EVENT:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT, your subject line should look EXACTLY like this example: ANNOUNCEMENT:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you WANT something, your subject line should read: WANTED:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you RECEIVE what you wanted, your subject line should read: RECEIVED:
The original description should follow the colon and be IN QUOTES.

If you wish to SELL  something, your subject line should read: FOR SALE:, followed by a brief description on the subject line. 

If you SOLD something posted on the BBQ, you subject line should read: SOLD:
The original description should follow the colon and be IN QUOTES.

If you offer something for FREE, your subject line should read: FREE:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to offer something FOR RENT, your subject line should read: FOR RENT:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to LEASE property, your subject line should read: FOR LEASE:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to report something LOST, your subject line should read: LOST:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to report something FOUND, your subject line should read: FOUND:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.
If you found what was reported lost, type the original description in quotes.

If you wish to post something of GEN. INTEREST, your subject line should read: GEN. INTEREST:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.
It is NOT  to be typed GENERAL INTEREST.

If you wish to share a tidbit of HUMOR, your subject line should read: HUMOR:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to post something POLITICAL, your subject line should read: POLITICAL:, followed by a brief description on the subject line.

If you wish to post a CORRECTION regarding something you posted, your subject line should read: CORRECTION: The original description should follow the colon and be IN QUOTES.

If you wish to report a RESCHEDULE of an event of some kind previously posted, your subject line should read RESCHEDULED:  The original description should follow the colon and be IN QUOTES.

If something has been CANCELLED, your subject line should read CANCELLED: The original description should follow the colon and be IN QUOTES.

NOTE:  In every case the category was completely capitalized and was followed by a colon. The description following was BRIEF.

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